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Catholic Pastoral Secretaries in Malawi Hail the Sunday School Project

Catholic Pastoral Secretaries in Malawi Hail the Sunday School Project

By Ephraim Nyirenda – TFM Reporter

The National Director for Pontifical Missionary Societies (PMS) in Malawi has applauded the role Karonga Diocese is playing to ensure that Catholic children grow in the way the Church wants.

Speaking to Tuntufye FM after visiting Kangindwa Catholic Church on Thursday this week to appreciate how the Sunday School Project was fairing, Father Vincent Mwakhwawa, PMS National Director, said that all Pastoral Secretaries were impressed with what the Diocese was doing in helping Catholic children to understand Catholic doctrine from a tender age.

He added that with lessons learnt from the visit, other dioceses will select parishes in their dioceses where Sunday school activities such as quiz competitions, reciting poems and bible verses recitals will be piloted.

The PMS National Director also hailed His Lordship Bishop Martin Mtumbuka, the clergy and lay faithful for their collaboration and dedication in ensuring that God’s people were reached with the Gospel from the nursery.

Pastoral secretaries from six out of the eight dioceses under the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, had a four day meeting at Bambo House in Karonga from 13th to 16th November, 2017. Among other things Pastoral secretaries deliberated on ways of enriching spiritual lives of Christians through the Bible, apostolates, catechesis and liturgical celebrations. They also shared reports and updates from the dioceses and explored ways of strengthening coordination among them.

Delegates to the meeting included Father Regis Kamela, National Pastoral Secretary, Father Elard Butao of Dedza Diocese, Father Steven Pio of Zomba Diocese, Father Innocent Ntapaonga of Lilongwe Archdiocese, Father Steven Kamanga of Mangochi Diocese, Father Peter Kantembe of Blantyre Archdiocese, and the host Father Joseph Sikwese.

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