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Go to the world and proclaim the Good News: Newly Ordained Priests Exhorted

Go to the world and proclaim the Good News: Newly Ordained Priests Exhorted

By Jordan Simeon-Phiri

The Bishop made the remarks on Saturday during the ordination of the new priests of the Diocese at St Joseph the Worker Cathedral in the border district of Karonga.

Drawing his Homily from Mathews 28 v 19 and Isaiah chapter 6 vs1-9, Bishop Mtumbuka likened their call to God’s work to that of Isaiah when he was called by God to be a prophet and the apostles that Jesus Christ sent to the world to preach the Gospel to all nations.

“Priesthood is a call from God Himself and you have received that call to serve the Lord, save the lost souls and preach the Gospel to those who need it and there is no excuse about that.

“Therefore, I urge you to dedicate your time helping Christians grow in spirit, build peace and seek justice when settling family, social and Church disputes. Always be at your duty station so that you are always found when your flock need your spiritual help,” the Bishop said.

Taking his turn, the Diocesan Laity Council (DLC) Chairperson John Mtambo said the ordination of the three priests shows that the Church is growing.

Speaking on behalf of his fellow priests, Father Atupele Kuyoka said they are ready for the mission, saying the priestly vows taken are a clear testimony that they have accepted to be used as God’s messengers

The Bishop has since appointed the three to serve in various parishes and institutions as follows: Father Anthony Mwafulirwa, Curate at St Ignatius Parish in Nthalire; he is also Chaplain for St Ignatius Catholic Secondary School. Father Atupere Kuyokwa, Curate at St Matthias Mulumba Parish in Misuku and Father Joseph Mkinga, Curate at St Joseph the Worker Cathedral in Karonga; he is also Chaplain for Chaminade and St Mary’s Girls secondary schools.

*The author is a Contributor. Contact – 0888872348

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