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Catholic Scouts Cheer the Sick at Karonga District Hospital

Ready to serve: Catholic Scouts at Karonga District Hospital
Catholic Scouts Cheer the Sick at Karonga District Hospital

By Deodatus Muriya (Scout Coordinator)

The Catholic Scouts of St Joseph the Worker Cathedral and St Mary’s parishes in the Diocese of Karonga on 3rd March, 2020 donated assorted items (sugar, sweets, and washing soap) in the Children’s Ward at the Karonga District Hospital.

This was one way of celebrating the birthday of the founder of Scouts, Robert Barden Powell, which falls on 22nd February.

“We found it necessary to visit the hospital to interact with patients and also share with them the message of hope” Said Miss Evelyn Kamanga, Treasurer for St Joseph and St Mary’s parishes Catholic Scout Group.

She further said that the resources for the donation were mobilized among members of the grouping. She pledged the group’s commitment to continue carrying out charity work.

Speaking on behalf of fellow guardians, Margret Namfukwe expressed a word of gratitude to the group for providing support to their children who were sick.

The Nurse in Charge of the Children’s Ward Sangwani Kondowe also thanked the Catholic Scouts for visiting the Children ward.

“In hospital we receive different patients with different background. Some come without beddings and others do not have food. We are encouraging Catholic Scouts to continue doing the good work they have started.

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