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Bishop Leads Curia Officers in Commemorating All Souls Day

Bishop Martin Mtumbuka (middle) and concelebrants during Mass
Bishop Leads Curia Officers in Commemorating All Souls Day

Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka of the Diocese of Karonga has urged officers who work at the Diocesan Curia Offices to pray and do everything within their power to be found worth of paradise at the hour of their death.

The Bishop made this call on 2nd November, 2021, when he presided over Holy Mass commemorating All Souls Day at the Curia Offices which was a departure from the tradition of celebrating the day at Diocese level. This year, Christians celebrated this day in their respective parishes and not at Chaminade Chapel or nearby parishes of St Mary’s and St Joseph the Worker Cathedral.  

Bishop Martin Mtumbuka (middle) and concelebrants during Mass
Bishop Martin Mtumbuka (middle) and concelebrants during Mass

In his homily, the Bishop observed that the custom of praying for the dead is common in many religions. The Bishop said in the Catholic Church, there are two adjacent days which focus on the dead.

“On All Saints Day, celebrated on 1st November, the Church celebrates people who were triumphant in this life and are now with God as saints. On All Souls Say, the Church prays for the souls of all people who may have died without mortal sin but still in need purification before they are ushered into the presence of the All-Perfect and Holy God. 

Members of staff singing during the Eucharistic Celebration
Members of staff singing during the Eucharistic Celebration

The Bishop further said that according to what the Church teaches, there is nothing that we can do about those that died in mortal sin and are in hell saying “no number of prayers can redeem them.” He, therefore, urged all officers gathered to pray for their friends and relatives who died because they may need their prayers if they are in the purification process, in Purgatory. 

Bishop Martin Mtumbuka presided over the Mass, with Fr Joseph Sikwese (Bishop’s and Pastoral Secretary) and Fr Alick Sikwese (Director of Finance, Investment and Administration) as con-celebrants. 

About 50 members of staff, Catholics and non-Catholics, working in various departments at the Bishop’s Offices (Curia) and those from Tuntufye FM Radio attended this commemoration of the souls of the faithful departed. Various members of staff presented names of their departed friends and relatives to be prayed for during the Eucharistic Celebration.

Part of the congregation of members of staff during the celebration
Part of the congregation of members of staff during the celebration
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