Karonga Diocese Youth Chaplaincy Helping Youths to Develop Strong Faith
By Adams Mwenelupembe
The Youth Chaplaincy of the Diocese of Karonga is committed to deliver programmes aimed at helping young people to develop strong faith.
Father Songa made these remarks when he presided over Karonga Deanery youth quiz and sports league competition at St Joseph the Worker Cathedral. The competitions targeted senior Sunday school youth and involved Bible and catechism quiz, and football and netball matches (Tuntufye Trophy).

Father Songa cited, for example, the teaching of the New Catechism which is helping young people of the Diocese to grow in faith. He cited quiz as an example of checking whether or not these young people are getting the most out of their lessons.
Father Songa expressed that he was satisfied with the great improvement in answering questions posed in the exercise. He expressed need to do more in reaching the youth with the gospel, liturgy and catechism of the Catholic Church.
Quiz is recorded and aired on Tuntufye FM Radio which helps those in other areas of the Diocese to learn through the radio. Furthermore Father Songa encouraged these youths to be listening to the radio to learn more about the catholic faith.
Father Songa further asked all priests, catechists, and teachers in the Diocese of Karonga to take seriously the teaching and ongoing formation of these youths so that they develop strong faith for their salvation.
He also revealed that his office is running a programme of building youth’s capacity in conflict management and peace building. This he said will help curb violent conflicts that are on the rise in the jurisdiction of Karonga Diocese.
Father Songa said the Youth Task Force will continue working together with the Diocesan Pastoral Office to ensure that youth programmes are delivered and achieved in all parishes of the Diocese. He also hinted that his office will hold regular meetings with parish youth chaplains to discuss ways of helping young people receive the Good news of salvation.
And one of the participants, Arthur Prosper Mwenibabu from St Steven’s Parish, said there is need for frequent activities of this nature for them to grow in faith and be able be able to defend the Catholic faith.

St Anne’s Parish will represent Karonga Deanery quiz at the Diocesan level and in sports St Steven’s Parish will represent Karonga Deanery. The Sunday School Project is funded by the Coppel’s Family in Mexico.