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By Chikumbutso Mwale

Under the guidance of Father Godwin Mwafongo, the director of the Pontifical Mission Society (PMS), the community of Nthalire recently gathered for a lesson on Mission Sunday, an event organized by the PMS office. The session provided valuable insights into the essence of missionary work, the significance of Mission Sunday, and the responsibilities of Christians to spread the Gospel.

Father Mwafongo and the faithful after mass

The lesson began with a detailed overview of the Pontifical Mission Society and its four associated societies. Father Mwafongo emphasized that PMS is dedicated to supporting missionary work globally, fostering faith, and building solidarity with those who are less fortunate. These societies serve as a crucial pillar in ensuring that the Gospel reaches all corners of the world, promoting both spiritual and material support for missionary endeavors.

Father Mwafongo went on to explain the purpose and importance of Mission Sunday. He highlighted that this day, celebrated annually in the Catholic Church, is a call for all believers across the diocese of Karonga to reflect on their missionary responsibilities. Mission Sunday is not just a day of reflection, but an invitation for every Christian to take concrete actions toward supporting mission work.

The celebration centers around two main actions: praying for those involved in missionary activities and offering material support, whether through monetary donations or other essential resources. These acts of generosity enable missionaries to continue their efforts in spreading the Word of God and providing aid to those in need.

St. Ignatius of Loyola parishioners

A critical aspect of the session was the commissioning of leaders. Father Mwafongo urged the leaders to take their newfound knowledge and use it to enlighten others about the importance of mission work. This call to action was a reminder that missionary work is not confined to a select few but is a collective responsibility for all followers of Christ.

Additionally, as the month of October is dedicated to the rosary, Father Mwafongo encouraged Sunday school children to pray for peace and unity during this special time. He underscored the importance of instilling missionary values in children from a young age, fostering a spirit of prayer and service.

An important part of the discussion revolved around the message of Pope Francis, which serves as a guide for this year’s Mission Sunday celebrations. Referencing the Gospel of Matthew 22:9, Father Mwafongo highlighted the Pope’s call to “Go and invite everyone to the banquet.” This passage serves as a powerful reminder that the mission of the Church is to extend an invitation to all people, regardless of their background or circumstances, to experience the love and mercy of God.

The lessons concluded with a Mass presided over by Father Godwin Mwafongo. The central theme of the Mass was a reminder of our universal call to missionary work. During the celebration, Father Mwafongo reiterated the two key elements of Mission Sunday: to pray for those engaged in mission work and to offer whatever material support we can, whether it be money, resources, or time.

Joyful Sunday School children

In his homily, Father Mwafongo emphasized that missionary work is not just a distant concept but something that each Christian is called to participate in, whether through direct involvement or by supporting others. The christians have been challenged and awakened to take a step in responding effectively to the the call of missionary work. They are reminded of the spirit which God poured upon then, just as he did by taking part of Moses spirit and sharing with other elders whom later recognized and came to know about their God. Each christian has been reminded of the core value of praying for missionaries and in a special way render material support via monetary value. . Christians are to keep in mind that as we pray for missionaries in this month of October, we are to encourage and guide our Sunday school animators to see to it that children pray the rosary and that they pray for peace and unity.

The Mission Sunday celebration at Nthalire, chaired by Father Godwin Mwafongo, served as an important reminder of the role that every Christian plays in missionary work. Through prayer, material support, and active participation, the faithful are called to extend the message of the Gospel to all corners of the world. This celebration was a powerful call to action, reminding the community of their responsibility to be missionaries in their own right, following the guidance of the Church and the message of Pope Francis to invite all to God’s banquet. As we anticipate the climax of the celebration of Mission Sunday which is to take place on 20th October at Chilinda, every Christian is urged to call everyone to the banquet as stipulated in the message of His holiness.

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