His Lordship Rt. Rev. Martin Anwel Mtumbuka of the Diocese of Karonga has appointed Rev. Fr. Laurent Chogawana Dziko as the Vicar General. This follows the passing of Mons. Denis Solomon Chitete, who until his death on 24th December, 2021, was the Vicar General of the Diocese of Karonga.

Monsignor Lorent Chogawana Dziko was born on 28th June, 1968 at Kasina, in Dedza District. He was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Dedza on 14th September, 2002 at Mua Parish. The late Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Kanyama sent him to the Diocese of Karonga as a Fidei Donum priest on 18th May 2012.
Monsignor Lorent Chogawana Dziko has served in various parishes such as St. Anne’s, St. Mary’s, St. Steven’s, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and currently he is the Parish Priest of St. John Paul II Parish and Moderator of St. Elijah Sub-Parish. He is also the Member of the College of Consultors, the Chairperson of the Diocesan Pastoral Commission, the Dean of Kapoka Deanery, the Diocesan Lay Apostolate Chaplain, the Diocesan Chaplain of the Kolping Society, and the Chairperson of the Diocesan Events Committee.
The appointment of Mons. Lorent Chogawana Dziko as the Vicar General of the Diocese of Karonga illustrates the fact that although a priest is either incardinated to a particular diocese or is a member of a particular religious congregation, he is ultimately a son and servant of the Universal Church which is a great honour that God has bestowed on all of his humble servants.
We all join His Lordship Rt. Rev. Martin Anwel Mtumbuka, in wishing our new Vicar General the very best as his begins, besides his many other pastoral ministries, this challenging but noble ministry in the Diocese of Karonga. We most sincerely assure him of our full support and prayers.
With most sincere best wishes and prayers,
Fr. Joseph M. Sikwese