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Lusubilo Vocation Training Excelling in Various Skills

‘That they may have life and live in full John 10:10’ Lusubilo Vocation Training is one of the projects run by the Lusubilo Community Based Orphan Care Organization. It’s not just about Vocational Training; it’s about preparing our youth for...

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Development Desk of Karonga Diocese Supports Flood Victims with Construction Materials

Karonga Diocese through its Development Desk has assisted communities in Karonga District with construction materials to people who were affected by floods in the rain season of 2016/2017. Karonga District received fairly normal to above normal rainfall amounts. The district...

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Karonga Diocese Empowers PDRR Committee Members at St Mathias Parish

  Karonga Diocese through its Development Desk organized a refresher training in June, 2017 at St Mathias Parish in traditional authority Mwenemisiku in Chitipa District.  The training aimed at building the capacity of Parish Disaster Risk Reduction (PDRR) Committee members...

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Thanks to Karonga Diocese through the flood recovery project, the Kalambo family are now living in newly built beautiful house.
Development Desk of Karonga Diocese Supports Flood Victims with Construction Materials

[caption id="attachment_17" align="alignnone" width="300"] Thanks to Karonga Diocese through the flood recovery project, the Kalambo family are now living in newly built beautiful house.[/caption] Karonga Diocese through its Development Desk has assisted communities in Karonga District with construction materials to...

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Karonga CCJP enhances Revenue Collection in Karonga District Council

[caption id="attachment_4" align="alignnone" width="300"] Meeting of all the priests[/caption] Karonga CCJP has, through the CALGA project, been working with district council of Chitipa and Karonga on improving collection and management of locally generated revenues. These are already bearing fruits. During...

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Vestibulum vel est quis odio venenatis

Praesent gravida, leo sed hendrerit rhoncus, risus arcu tempus felis, vitae venenatis est augue vel neque. Aliquam felis est, ullamcorper non tempor condimentum, feugiat sed nisl. Fusce lacinia fringilla placerat. Duis metus ipsum, rutrum ut lobortis non, tristique ultrices risus....

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Egestas quam – in aliquet nibh

Praesent gravida, leo sed hendrerit rhoncus, risus arcu tempus felis, vitae venenatis est augue vel neque. Aliquam felis est, ullamcorper non tempor condimentum, feugiat sed nisl. Fusce lacinia fringilla placerat. Duis metus ipsum, rutrum ut lobortis non, tristique ultrices risus....

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Lorem ipsum dolor amet

Viverra mattis nisl nec lobortis. Quisque cursus ante mollis eros mattis, ac rutrum augue lacinia. Egestas quam, in aliquet nibh. Donec maximus sed leo sit amet varius. Cursus ante mattiue lacinia. Egestas quam, in sit amet varius mollis! Quisque cursus ante mollis...

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