By Chikumbutso Constantine Mwale (Social Communications Office)
On a day marked by profound spirituality and joyful celebration, His Lordship Bishop Vincent Mwakhwawa, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, ordinated two priests Fr Allan Genuine Kitha and Fr Raphael Hendrix Simwera and one deacon David Chipeta at Mughese Catechetical Training Centre.
The event, held at a picturesque site in the highlands of Misuku, was a significant milestone for the local Catholic community and a testament to the growing vocations in the diocese.

The rite of ordination, held on a bright and clear day, drew large crowds from Misuku and the surrounding areas. The faithful from various parishes gathered to witness and participate in the sacred rite.
The Mass was celebrated with great reverence, featuring a blend of traditional dances and local liturgical hymns, creating a deeply moving atmosphere. The entrance procession was a vibrant display of the rich cultural heritage of the people of Misuku, with traditional dances and songs accompanying the clergy and ordinands to the altar.

During the homily, Bishop Mwakhwawa emphasized the importance of priesthood and diaconate in the life of the Church. He spoke about the roles and responsibilities that the new priests and deacon would assume, urging them to be true shepherds of the flock entrusted to their care. He reminded them of the sacredness of their calling and the need for humility, service, and a deep relationship with God in fulfilling their duties.
Following the homily, the ordination rite proceeded with the laying on of hands, a gesture symbolizing the invocation of the Holy Spirit upon the ordinands. Bishop Mwakhwawa, along with other concelebrating Bishop Martin Mtumbuka and priests, laid hands on the heads of the ordinands, a tradition that dates back to the Apostles. This was followed by the prayer of consecration, which formally conferred the Sacrament of Holy Orders upon the candidates.

The new priests were then vested with the stole and chasuble, symbols of their new role in the Church, while the new deacon was vested with the stole placed on the left shoulder and extending diagonally on the back and front of the upper body. The priests were presented with the chalice and paten, signifying their role in celebrating the Eucharist. The deacon received the Book of the Gospels, symbolizing his duty to proclaim the Gospel and preach the Word of God.

The ordination of these two priests and one deacon is a significant event for the Diocese of Karonga, which has been experiencing steady growth in vocations over the years. The diocese, one of the youngest in Malawi, was established in 2010 and has since made remarkable strides in fostering the faith among the local population.
The ordinations at Misuku are an indication of the fruits of these efforts. The new priests and deacon join a dedicated clergy in serving the spiritual and pastoral needs of the diocese, which covers a vast and often challenging geographical area. Their presence will undoubtedly strengthen the Church’s mission in the region, bringing the sacraments and the Word of God closer to the people.

As the Mass concluded Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka urged the newly ordained priests to be humble.
“Generosity of these Christians should make you humble” said Mtumbuka.
In his speech Bishop Mtumbuka stressed on the point that it is sad to be hearing bad stories of priests soon after ordination hence they should humble themselves when serving the Christians who sacrifice a lot for them.
This ordination is a testament to the vitality of the Church in Karonga Diocese and the dedication of its leaders, who continue to nurture and guide the faithful. As these new priests and deacon begin their ministry, they carry with them the hopes and prayers of the people, ready to serve and shepherd their flock in the name of Christ.