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Digital Libraries for Malawi Project Expected to Transform Learning and Teaching Experiences in Schools

Digital Libraries for Malawi Project Expected to Transform Learning and Teaching Experiences in Schools

By Mwawi Shaba

The Digital Libraries for Malawi Project is expected to transform the learning and teaching experiences in resource short schools in Karonga Diocese.

This realisation was revealed by Mr Remmie Kamanga, the Desk Officer for Education in Karonga Diocese on Monday, 13th November, 2017 during an inception and planning  meeting for the two week activities  which Niels David Kunz and Frederik Bachmann  will be undertaking as part of the project in Karonga Diocese.

Niels David Kunz and Frederik Bachmann are implementing a Digital Libraries for Malawi Project which seeks to close the resource gap in terms of books and teaching materials by establishing online libraries that are also energy efficient and affordable. This would enhance learning and teaching as information technology will be used to supply and disseminate ebooks covering relevant topics in reference to Malawian secondary school syllabus .

The two also expressed their excitement regarding rolling out the project in Karonga Diocese and that they looked forward for a successful work in the two school

Niels David Kunz and Frederik Bachmann are in Karonga Diocese working with Chaminade and St Mary’s Karonga Girls Secondary schools in a pilot phase of the project.

Head teachers and other teachers at the schools  are very excited by the project. Accordingly to Mrs Martha Nyondo; the Head teacher at St Mary’s Secondary, they are very grateful that Niels and Frederik chose the two schools for the project.


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