Karonga Diocese Confronts Immense Pastoral and Social Economic Challenges: News in Pictures
a) Pastoral Issues
Some times they have to walk long distances and in many cases they have to cross bridges rivers to reach the Christians. The Motto; ‘We shall go to them’ inspires themSunday School Children about to take porridge, the Diocese trying to meet food needs of young chidrenWhile many people are devoted Catholics they find it difficult to build adequate and suitable churches. This affects liturgyKaronga Diocese and other pastoral agents have to use rented boat to minister to communities along Lake Malawi
Pastoral workers have to literally walk in most cases in order to reach to God’s flock. We shall go to them!This incomplete church is being used in St Stevens. This is true with many places in the districtThe youth comprise a big section of the Church. They they have great zeal for the Church and their faith. From 24th to 27th October over 1,600 young Christians in the Diocese met to discuss their role in Church and their faith
Karonga Diocese enjoys active liturgies. The newly opened St Joseph the Worker Cathedral a great source of inspiration for many faithful in the Diocese
Bishop Martin, the Clergy and Religious; men and women. Though fewer in numbers the do wonderful and difficult work ministering to all
The Diocese trains more lay leaders in order to address the issue of shortage of pastoral workers
b) Social Developmental Issues
Access to portable water is a big challenge. Many children under the age of 5 have died due to water borne diseases.
Due to negative effects of Climate change the communities in the Diocese are faced with chronic food shortages every year. The Diocese of Karonga tries to respond but can only do to some level
Maize crop the staple food heavily affected by effects of climate change ; pests and diseasesThis is how some communities in the Diocese accesses water for household use in rural communities of the Diocese of Karonga. This photo was taken from Nthalire in ChitipaIrresponsible mining in the Diocese violets peoples rights and damages their source of livelihoods.Access to quality education especially for those in rural areas in a big challenge. There are fewer teachers, class rooms and everything. The photo shows STD 2 & 3 pupils and their class lock at Mkule Full Primary school in NthalireFloods and other natural disasters are common. People loose lives and property and school going children are highly affected