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New Appointments of Diocesan and Religious Priests

Bishop Martin Mtumbuka with priests of the Diocese of Karonga
New Appointments of Diocesan and Religious Priests
Bishop Martin Mtumbuka with priests of the Diocese of Karonga
Bishop Martin Mtumbuka with priests of the Diocese of Karonga

Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of the Diocese of Karonga has made the following appointments of Diocesan and Religious priests:

  1. Parishes

Reverend Father Simon Mwenefumbo (newly ordained) is Curate at St Matthias Mulumba (Misuku) Parish

Reverend Father Regis Kamela is Acting Parish Priest of St Michael’s Parish and Dean of Chitipa Deanery

Reverend Father Edward Kamanga is Curate at St Mary’s Parish and Social Communication Secretary

Reverend Father Charles P. Chinula is Curate at St Steven’s Parish

Reverend Father Thomas Gondwe is Curate at St John Paul II Parish

Reverend Father Nazario is Parish Priest at St Apollonia Parish. He arrives from Philippines on 16 October, 2020.  

Reverend Father Peter Koh is Curate at St Apollonia Parish. He arrives from Singapore on 16 October, 2020.

Reverend Father Aubrey is Parish Priest of Immaculate Heart of Mary (Chisankhwa) Parish. He arrives from Zambia on 16 October, 2020.

2. Directorates, Chaplaincies and Boards

Reverend Father Alick Sikwese is Director of Finance, Investments and Administration and will be operating from the Curia Offices

Reverend Father Edward Kamanga is Social Communication Secretary

Reverend Father Joseph Mkinga is Chaplain of Chaminade Mission

Reverend Father Edward Kamanga is Chaplain of St Mary’s Secondary School Mission

Reverend Father Thomas Gondwe is Vocations Director and Family Apostolate Coordinator

Reverend Father Kondwani Mwenegamba is Acting Chaplain of Kaseye Mission

Reverend Father Aubrey is Board Member for Tuntufye FM Radio Station

Reverend Father Doctor Steven Bulambo is Chaplain of St Anne’s CDSS and St Anne’s Hospital

Reverend Father Peter Koh is Board Member for Lusubilo Community Care and Chaplain of Ngala CDSS

Priests on transfer are expected to arrive at their new places by 1 October, 2020.

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