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All Priests and Religious Men and Women of Karonga Gather For a Session at Bambo Zutu House.

All Priests and Religious Men and Women of Karonga Gather For a Session at Bambo Zutu House.

By Ephraim Nyirenda and Grego Lusale

With financial support from the Aid to the Church in Aid (Kirche in Not) the Diocese of Karonga has organized a three day On-going Formation Session for priests and religious men and women working in the Diocese.  The session is facilitated by Fr Alfred Chaima, Pastoral Secretary of the Archdiocese of Blantyre and Fr Joseph Sikwese, Pastoral Secretary of the Diocese of Karonga.

During the session, participants will reflect on the pastoral implications of the three recent papal documents: Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), Laudato Si (On the Care of Our Common Home) and Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love).

In his opening remarks, Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of the Diocese of Karonga, he called for participants to participate actively during the session, because it will help them in their different apostolates.  He also called priests and religious men and women to work together as a family.

“In our Diocese we do not have many priests and very few religious congregations: Marianist sisters, one missionary Priest (Marianist) and some marianist brothers and rosarian sisters. Let us all work together ,” appealed Bishop Mtumbuka.


This year such training is taking place at Bambo Zutu House, Bishp’s  House, beginning from 25th September to 29TH September, 2017. Such trainings are organized by the Patoral Commission whose secretary is Fr. Joseph Sikwese.

Priests and Religious have gathered for this three days training to reflect and also find patoral implications of the three Church and Papal documents namely:  Laudato Si (On Care for our Common Home), Amoris Laetitia (On Joy of Love), and Evangeli Gaudium (On Joy of Evangelization)

In his Training opening remarks, His Lordship Bishop Anwell Mtumbuka boldly requested participants to be committed during the session as it will help them minister well the people of God. He appealed to the pastoral ministers to rediscover, re-evalauate, and come up with an action plan on the issues that will emanate during the sessions like on the care of the environment, on issues that affect marriage life in the Diocese of Karonga and on evangelization which is the primary vocation of the Church.

The session has brought together 25 participants which include priests, religious men and women working in the Diocese of Karonga. The main objective of the session is to build and strengthen the capacity of the clergy, religious men and women to enhance relevance, effectiveness and efficiency in their ministry in the Diocese of Karonga.


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