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Congregation of Immaculate Conception of Mary Fathers Visit Karonga Diocese

Bishop Mtumbuka with CICM fathers and Christians
Congregation of Immaculate Conception of Mary Fathers Visit Karonga Diocese

By Chimwemwe Chisi

The Diocese of Karonga recently received members of the Congregation of Immaculate Conception of Mary (CICM) led by their Superior General, the Very Reverend Father Charles Phukuta, who came on a familiarisation tour of the Diocese.

The congregation is set to open a mission in the Diocese of Karonga in 2020, and will open Immaculate Heart of Mary (Chisankhwa) Parish and will also be responsible for the establishment and running of the spirituality centre of the Diocese.

Their weeklong visit is of great importance to the Diocese as it is one way of strengthening the relationship between the priests of the congregation and the Diocese of Karonga. During their visit, the CICM Fathers visited several places in the Diocese of Karonga as one way of learning and getting to know the environment and the people prior to their stay in the Diocese next year.

The CICM Fathers were met welcomed in the Diocese of Karonga, by Right Reverend Martin Anwel Mtumbuka, on the 6th of November and went straight to their first leg of their tour of the Diocese. The visitors were taken to Wovwe, then to Matinkhula in Nyungwe where there is a proposed site for a new parish, where they also interacted with Christians. Lastly, they visited Ngala at the proposed site for a pastoral centre where they were received with warm welcome full of joy and songs.

CICM were given some presents which symbolised the culture and economic activities taking place in the area such as weaver’s baskets, and tomatoes.

In his speech, one of the fathers, Rev Aubrey Sumbukeni said he was overwhelmed with the warm welcome from the people and was looking forward to working with the people in proclaiming the Word of God. He further urged Christians to pray for one another so as to bear fruits in proclaiming the gospel.

The Bishop of the Diocese of Karonga Right Reverend Martin Anwel Mtumbuka, expressed his gratitude towards the visitors since their visit is not an ordinary one rather enriching to the diocese since it is all about to share experience and knowledge.

The Very Rev. Fr Charles Phukuta the Superior General of CICM has led his confreres in this journey.

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