Nutritional Progress: Karonga Diocese’s Community Transformation Project Yields Positive Impact in Kopakopa”

The Diocese of Karonga through the Community Transformation -CT project has expressed satisfaction over the impact the program of nutrition is bringing to members of Kopakopa community in Chitipa district.
According to Grace Kondowe the Nutrition Coordinator for the project; when the program was just rolled out the area had several cases of malnutrition but looking at the recent records there is a reduction to such cases, according to her, this is due to the collaboration with the volunteers for the program.

“It is so exciting to see how lives of people in the area of GVH Kopakopa are improving through good nutrition and hygiene practices. Before the introduction of program we had so many cases of malnutrition among children though we are not yet there but we have to reach out to all 110 households.” She said.
Kondowe further said she will not tire until the whole village has zero record of malnutrition.
Seeming to agree with Kondowe, Senior Health Surveillance Assistant for Mahowe Health Center Vincent Ng’ambi said, Kopakopa village had many cases of malnutrition of children but with the coming in of the program these cases are dwindling.
Speaking with one of the beneficiaries of the program Chifundo Ngwira said thanks to the program that his family now have knowledge on balanced diet meals and it’s importance in relation with malnutrition.
“I had everything in my house yet my child was looking unhealthy after learning through CT project that it was malnutrition me and my wife have known the right direction of alleviating the situation.” He said.
Meanwhile in a separate interview with GVH Kopakopa, he has expressed satisfaction with the development in his village saying people have truly embraced hygiene and the correct preparation of meals as such the CT project is playing a big role as far as improving healthy living is concerned in the area.
By Trifornia Mtawali.